Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Moleskinner's Blues, Part 2

I found the right Moleskine (which has an e on the end, and I've corrected that in my last post, sorry for the misspell) at the Utrecht Art Supply. I also purchased two new very fine point pens in brown and black (let's not read too much into that). I will be going there from now on for all my Moleskine needs. As an added bonus the guy who helped me was terse and had a beard.
I dreamed last night that one of my toes fell off leaving a dry, empty cavity. I woke up to find that my shower is broken and my coffee maker is dead. Sure, I can heat water and pour it into the basket with the grounds, but do you know how hard it is to wash hair that goes down to your ass in a bath? I will be bathing on my knees. After I scrub out the tub.


That Hank said...

I cleaned my tub and bathroom last night. You're welcome to go use it.

Ms. Moon said...

Well, as you know, since it is getting cold, our heater is broken. This is getting very old.
But I am not making light of a broken coffee maker or a broken shower! These are VERY important things without which we (or some of us) cannot function properly- like the correct journal!
I'm so glad you got that one figured out.
But hey- as to the dream- get back to me when you have the one where worms start coming out of your mouth.

Steph(anie) said...

The shower thing would put me in the looney bin!

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Nothing like terse and has a beard. Laugh. I love you. You crack me the fuck up.

Django said...

Are you sure he didn't have a terse beard?

I'm glad your toe wasn't replaced by a tooth which then fell out. That would make your dream mean even more, right? That you're scared to travel and that things are out of your control?

I'm making up the travel part.

I had a dream once that spiders kept crawling out from between the webs of my toes. It. Was. Terrifying.

Django said...

Also, I kind of like the idea of a moleskin journal better than a Moleskine journal.

Steph(anie) said...

I thought they were mole skin.

Jo said...

Jesus, people. Bad dreams...

Hmm. Don't you need your big toe to balance?

Call your landperson and vent at him, May?

Petit fleur said...

Sorry about that toe dream... ick! Maybe it was an omen about the coffeemaker and the shower...? I know if my shower and coffeemaker were broken, I'd probably feel like one of my toes had fallen off!

Mel said...

Ew about the toe dream. Really ew. Hooray for terse salespeople. I hate forced chitchat and salesmanlike bullshit. Dammit to things falling apart. The center cannot hold. Every freaking thing that could break or die in my house has done so in the last few months, or so it seems, to the point where I'm past annoyed and sad and find it comical. Laptop fried was the most painful. Air conditioning in august - check. dehumidifier in the rainy season - check. My house still smells like mildew. Water softener and sulfur/iron removing tanks that keep the water from corroding the fixtures - dead too. Nothing in this house is meant to last for more than a decade it seems. Thanks for reminding me that the coffee pot still works, and the shower too. I hope you get it resolved soon. I grew up in an old farmhouse without a shower, and still consider a shower one of life's little perks.

Miss Ash said...


I love bath time. But I never take them because the cat box is in that room, and I have to clean it before I'll spend any time in there.

I guess I'll do that tonight.
Thank you for reminding me.